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Risk Consulting | Energy and Construction

Taking the lead with industry professionals like you.

Client Programs and Insights

AIG provides risk consulting services to help identify and reduce risks at AIG insured properties.  To support our clients’ effective risk management efforts we offer various resources linked on this web page, including:

  • A permit-based hot work management program that is compliant with NFPA 51B and global best practices
  • A tag-based fire protection systems impairment management program that is compliant with NFPA 25 and global best practices
  • Water intrusion prevention program planning assistance with wet work permits
  • A library of risk management Insights publications covering current and timely topics 

Please feel free to download and review the information from these resources for your reference.

AIG Insights are backed by years of collective risk consulting experience. We actively participate in and contribute to the development and fine-tuning of industry standards and codes offered by the National Fire Protection Association.