The commission percentages shown represent business written during the year ending December 31, 2022, and are updated annually. The ranges shown may not reflect historic commission rates for all in force policies and do not include policies issued after December 31, 2022. Transactions with no commission have been eliminated from the data used to prepare these ranges because insurance producers may have received compensation directly from the insured.
Contingent Compensation
Independent insurance agents in Puerto Rico may also receive contingent compensation on the products listed above for certain eligible policies. Contingent compensation is typically based on criteria such as the volume of new sales, overall production volume, persistency, or overall profitability of the policies placed by the independent insurance agent. In 2022, the maximum contingent compensation paid on the eligible policies was less than 2% of the total premium placed by these insurance producers during the calendar year (although contingent compensation may be paid in relation to policies written in previous years).
Puerto Rico Business Only
Independent insurance agents in Puerto Rico may also receive contingent compensation on the products listed above for certain eligible policies. Contingent compensation is typically based on criteria such as the volume of new sales, overall production volume, persistency, or overall profitability of the policies placed by the independent insurance agent. In 2022, the maximum contingent compensation paid on the eligible policies was 4% of the total premium placed by these insurance producers during the calendar year (although contingent compensation may be paid in relation to policies written in previous years).